Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My mom and I go to the carnival at Garfield just about every year. It is alot of fun to go to. That is where I got my face painted. My mom and I bot had fun, then we went home and settled down.

I like this hair style that a singer had, so I looked online and found how to make the big hair.The hair style worked and I was pleased with the new look.It was a lot of work and I did it all by myself, but it was hard to do.I did have fun walking around in my new hair style.


We had a nice Thanksgiving with family, a feast, family together, got to spend some time with Aunt Susan. AND we had entertainment provided by Aliah and Annabelle.

twirling trophies

We had an evaluation meet in Clay Center. You did really well and passed your compulsories. It looks like you were trying to eat one of your trophies