Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Cover Girl

This was taken at party in the ville, early in the year. It will be interesting to see how much you improve during the year.

My slumber party

My friends at the party left to right. Aspen Neill, Anna Spellman, Me, Sabrina Johnson, Annalea Johnson, Jillian Dreher, Lanie Tholstrup, Rylee Keeler.

My slumber party

My slumber party was fun. There was a big party in Morganville called Party in the Ville.we all danced around I played piano and twirled. We did a cake walk and my friend Aspen won and we didn't eat it and when she went home we didn't get a piece.I still had fun and we had a blast.I had 7 friends they all stayed the night.

Friday, September 9, 2011

My 4th grade teacher


My home room fourth grade teacher is Miss Young. she is really nice.She is inspiring and someone I look up to.if any one that were to get my teacher she is very, very nice. Miss Young is the best fourth grade teacher!!!!!!