Friday, April 30, 2010

running the hero mile

The middle school students teamed up with the second graders at Lincoln. They have been running together at Lincoln last week and this week. Today they ran what they called the Hero mile. The students were all given these shirts for participating.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

2nd graders at Lincoln

Last night was the second grade fine arts program. They sang the songs from The Sound of Music. They also had their art work posted in the cafeteria. The second and third grade students voted for their favorite art project. Ashlea won a third place ribbon and medal. It has been quite a week for her winning awards and she also got her progress report. She has straight A's on her report card. Art work pictures to follow when we get it back from school.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring recital.

. This is a very short baton clip. After recital today they gave out 2 awards. One for most improved and One for hardest worker. Ashlea was soo happy and I was very proud. Ashlea got the award for hardest worker.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thank- you Aunt Evelyn

Aunt Evelyn sent Ashlea a really nice outfit. She had dress rehersal this morning and put just the shirt Evelyn sent on to go to lunch. Recital tomorrow. After lunch we came home and she put on the rest of the outfit. Cute

Spring is here

I love this time of year when everything is in bloom.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Healthy check-up

Ashlea had check-up today and got good results. What do you do while waiting for the Dr.?? Well, relax and read a book of course.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Wilson baton competition

Ashlea had a fun time and did great. she got a first place trophy for basic strut, a second place for presentation, and her team got a first place medal for group.

Monday, April 5, 2010

toads or frogs???

I believe all toads are frogs but these live on land so I think they are toads. We found them yesterday while working in the flower beds.

Easter egg hunt

Saturday there was an Easter egg hunt here in Morganville. Quite a turn out for such a small town.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter organ music

Ashlea is going to be playing organ Easter Sunday at the Morganville Methodist church. Here she is practicing. She has only had to weeks to learn this piece.