Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mrs. Larson's second grade class

We are getting ready to leave for Pittsburgh. Ashlea had her Christmas party at school today. I snapped a couple of pics. The top picture of her class and the bottom one with her teacher Mrs. Larson

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas twirlling

Christmas recital

Ashlea, Rylee, and Lanie at the Christmas recital

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Jolly Ole St. Nicholas

The first Noel

Ashlea getting some piano practice in.

This was actually played on her organ. She fixed her hair and put on lipstick for the video.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

sledding at the high school

I took Ashlea and Tabitha to the high school to do a little sledding. They made a couple of huge snow balls also. Then we went to the store and got some hot chocolate.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Baton competition 11-21-09

I just got the pictures back today. Here are a few. Ashlea with her friend Lanie whom is a good twirler also. Ashlea did well and got 1st and 2nd place medals.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

having fun in the snow inside

Rylee came over to play for awhile, so they had fun playing with snow inside. They used food coloring.

Let it snow

WOW that is a lot of snow. I don't know how much but it sure is a lot. We will stay in and make cookies and clean house. Snow makes the best tasting coffee. yum

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Look at my angel

It is still snowing. Ashlea and cutie pie had fun playing in the snow. I pulled Ashlea over to the post office on her sled. then she slid down a hill and I brought
her back home. She stayed out sledding in the ditch for awhile

tooth fairy came

WOW generous tooth fairy, she made it . Cutie pie wanted to be in a picture too.

Its snowing. about 2-3 inches so far. Ashlea has brought some in to play with.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Ashlea pulled her tooth out by herself. She didn't want me to tie a string and then slam the door. She did however have me tie a string and then she yanked it out. We are suppose to get 8-12 inches of snow tonight. I hope the tooth fairy can make it

Saturday, December 5, 2009

2nd grade report card

You are such a good student. I am sooo proud of you. Look how well you have done

Ashlea wanted these few pictures on here. Baton at CCHS basketball game, Ashlea and Aunt Susan on the 4th of July and one of Ashlea with her mom taken summer of 2009

Our good friend Trace

Tracy and Trace came over for a few minutes. Trace is the cutest little boy, and Ashlea and Trace really get along well. I tried to get him to sing You are my
sunshine but he just didn't want to do it.

Ashlea's first song composed

This is how you looked when you were only 2 days old.

Hi Ashlea

I have created this blog to follow you through your journey through life