Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ashlea's rap

You composed your own rap.  I think you are so very talented. I am putting it on here so you will be able to remember it.  Andrea is your BFF.

1st place

Ashlea you were amazing.  I have never seen you so excited.  I don't know how to change the format for the writing of this comment.  I am sure you will always remember this.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Ashlea had a great time in Texas. Her team won 1st place in all group entries. They had a 1 drop for fashion routine.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ashlea and Aunt Susan

So sorry Ashlea. Aunt Susan was more like a Grandma to you. She loved you like all of her grandkids.
This was a happy time. She passed away today. Valentines Day. Remember the good times.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My mom and I go to the carnival at Garfield just about every year. It is alot of fun to go to. That is where I got my face painted. My mom and I bot had fun, then we went home and settled down.

I like this hair style that a singer had, so I looked online and found how to make the big hair.The hair style worked and I was pleased with the new look.It was a lot of work and I did it all by myself, but it was hard to do.I did have fun walking around in my new hair style.


We had a nice Thanksgiving with family, a feast, family together, got to spend some time with Aunt Susan. AND we had entertainment provided by Aliah and Annabelle.